Team Name: G.A.M.A

Team Members


  • Saif
  • Yogesh


VJTI Canteen is a mobile Application to facilitate the daily activities of the canteen and making it more consumer friendly.This app has both admin and general user login making it feasible for both sides,where admin can maintain the long list of orders,and consumer can keep placing their orders. The aim of the project is to

  • Save paper
  • Reduce work load of Cashier
  • Promote Digital Transaction
  • Reduce Long Queue and delays at Canteen
  • Promote Digitalisation and move toward modern and technologically advanced India.

The App has two login namely,

  • Admin:- The admin can see the list of food orders placed in the system.
  • Consumer:- This page is for general consumers who can place their orders here.The Consumer login also has

           * Cart Screen :- This page allows Users to see the cart list and edit them as per the need
           * Wallet Screen :- This page shows the remaining balance of the user.
                              It also provides the utility to add the money into wallet for easy transaction.
           * Filter Screen :- This page allows users to set their particular taste of food.
                              This helps in setting spiciness,sweetness,should onions be present.
  • GitHub repo Link: VJTI_Canteen
  • demo video : click here
  • apk Link: VJTI_Canteen.apk
  • Drive Link:Drive Link

Technology Stack

  1. Language:- Dart
  2. Framework:- Flutter
  3. Database:- Firestore

Project Setup


Install flutter framework : https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install


Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/amanchhaparia/G.A.M.A.git


To start debugging, run the command

flutter run

To build apk, run the command

flutter build apk


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the long queue in the Canteen during rush hours for getting just a receipt,So to make you a bit comfortable we here brings to you the VJTI Canteen,

  • With the help of the app we can promote “Digital Payments” & “Save Papers”.
  • One can avoid long queues in the canteen and Saves time.
  • Place orders as per our convinence
  • Improves efficiency of the canteen during rush hours.

Future Scope

  • Improving the UI and making it more user friendly.
  • Adding a expense tracker based on your orders.


HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen HomeScreen