Let’s Fight Corona

Team name: Incognito

Team members

  • Gauri V Shewale - gvshewale_b19@ce.vjti.ac.in
  • Piyusha S Bharambe - psbharambe_b19@it.vjti.ac.in
  • Vaishnavi Bhadrashette - vvbhadrashette_b19@ce.vjti.ac.in
  • Meera Wadher - mbwadher_b19@ce.vjti.ac.in


  • Aditya Patkar
  • Archeel Parekh


A real-time COVID-19 Dashboard equipped with all the information regarding Symptoms,Precautions, etc and a quick basic health test.

The website offers various features as follows:

  • Daily Data visualisation for Indian States, Union Territories and the country
  • Symptoms
  • Precautions
  • Health Test
  • FAQs
  • Process (COVID-19 Management )
  • Helpline (For Indian States, Union Territories and wards in Mumbai)
  • Essentials

The important concepts used in this website are as follows:

  • Single Page Application

Package used: “react-router-dom”

        import { Switch, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
        <Switch >

        <Route path='/home' component={ () => <Home /> } />
        <Route exact path="/dashboard" component={ () => <Dashboard /> } />
        <Route exact path="/test" component={ () => <Test /> } />
        <Route exact path="/result" component={ () => <Result /> } />
        <Route exact path="/faqs" component={ () => <FAQs /> } />
        <Route exact path="/symptoms" component={ () => <Symptoms /> } />
        <Route exact path="/precautions" component={ () => <Precautions /> } />
        <Route exact path="/process" component={ () => <Process /> } />

        <Route exact path="/help" component={ () => <Help /> } />
        <Route exact path="/essentials" component={ () => <Essentials /> } />
        <Route exact path="/aboutus" component={ () => <About /> } />
        <Route exact path="/credits" component={ () => <Credits /> } />
        <Route exact path="/resources" component={ () => <Resources /> } />
        <Redirect to="/home" />

  • Daily Data fetching

Package used: “axios”

    async componentDidMount ()
        const { data } = await axios.get( 'https://api.covid19india.org/data.json' );
        const india_values = data.statewise[ 0 ];
        const subset = {
            confirmed: india_values.confirmed,
            recovered: india_values.recovered,
            active: india_values.active,
            deaths: india_values.deaths
        this.setState( { data: data, subset: subset } )
        return ( { subset } )
  • React Hooks (For search filter in Helplines)
        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        const Help = () =>
                    const [ search, setSearch ] = useState( '' );
                    const filteredSearch = HelplineNumbers.filter( s =>
                        return s.statename.toLowerCase().includes( search.toLowerCase() )
        return  (      
        <div className={ styles.search_option }>
            <SearchIcon />
            <input type="text" placeholder=" Search " onChange={ e => setSearch( e.target.value ) } />
  • Creating a Counter on Cards using Count-Up Package
        const Cards = ( { subset: { active, confirmed, deaths, recovered } } ) =>


        return (
            <div className={ styles.container } >
                <Grid container spacing={ 2 } justify="center">
                    <Grid item component={ Card } xs={ 12 } md={ 4 } className={ cx( styles.card, styles.confirmed ) }>
                            <Typography color="textSecondary" gutterBottom>Confirmed</Typography>
                            <Typography variant='h5'>
                                <CountUp start={ 0 } end={ confirmed } duration={ 2.0 } separator="," />

                            <Typography variant="body2">Number of confirmed cases of COVID-19</Typography>



        export default Cards;

Technology stack

We used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap - Front-End Framework- React Js

Project Setup

You can download or simply clone this repository for setting up this project


Some of the applications of this dashboard - We can take a basic health test, read about symptoms and go through the faqs to get a better idea about COVID-19. The Preventions and Precautions are also very informative and helpful. The dashboard also provides real-time data of corona cases in India, to keep ourselves updated with the situation in all the states. The Covid-19 Process Management is also a great feature added that helps people know what to do in case they are infected with the corona virus.

Future scope

We plan to work more on Data visualizations, add district level charts and integrate Google Maps API for providing location-based options for purchasing essential items. The site will also be updated regularly, when there is more scientifically proven information released about COVID-19.

Few glimpses of Website



