Same Location Same Taxi

Team name: Same location Same Taxi

Team members

  1. Chaitravi Chalke -

  2. Ashutosh Gupta -

  3. Ved Samant -

  4. Ayam Dhotekar -


  1. Yogesh Deshpande - yogesh1122554
  2. Palak Mantry - pal-16


How do we suggest solving this problem?

In most of the cases we often waste our time in stating in queue just waiting for taxi (who have hell of problems to go anywhere). Though the distance might be short the fare goes up high due to stuck in traffic(which is not the problem for concern) instead if two people willing to go at same place(or somewhere enroute) the can share the same taxi.


.Fare gets divided
.Nos of taxies will ultimately be reduced as people are using same taxies .Low nos taxies will help in controlling the pollution in some or the other way .Crowd in buses will reduce(This will help people who can just afford bus) .Get to know your colleugue(if working in same company but different department)

GitHub repo link

Demo Video APK File

Technology stack

Tools and technologies that you learnt and used in the project.

Language- Dart Framework- Flutter


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Project Setup

Mobile operating systems: Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1. x or newer, and iOS 8 or newer. One can easily download through APK and run over internet

Future scope

When the traffic on road will increase it will save alot of time and money


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