Team Name:


Team Members

  • Nayan Taori - nayan200000@gmail.com
  • Prajwal Kolte - prajwalkolte13@gmail.com
  • Chirag Dhamange - c.dhamange@gmail.com
  • Sahil Kacchi - sahilkacchi84@gmail.com


  • Palak Mantry
  • Shubhankar Gupta


The ‘VJ Committee’ App is based on the various commitees of VJTI College.It shows what various committees are based on. It gives detailed information of every committee present in the college. Their description , the present core body of the committees and gallery of photos of the events of various committees.It is basically the app which will let the students choose , join ,post photos and even connect with seniors of various branches in the same committee.This app serves as a complete guide for students of first year to choose which committee to join among the various committees present.Also this app will be important , as the app may be available to use by students which will make various processes like resume submission paperless , time saving as many announcements can be done via this app , which will lead to less confusion , and many more such advantages.

  • GitHub repository link : https://github.com/Diamagnetic/Noop-Masters.git
  • Google drive link : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/my-drive

Technology stack

Tools and technologies used in this project are-

  1. Dart Language
  2. Flutter
  3. Firebase
  4. Git and Github
  5. VS Code
  6. Android Studio

Project Setup

This project has made use of Android Studio software/VS Code software , in which various flutter packages have been used and also firebase has been used to store data.For using flutter , Dart Language has been used.The flutter packages for various buttons and animations have been used .Also there are various courses for learning various things about app making using flutter and Android Studio/VS Code. To see the code , one can download Android Studio or VS Code . Then copy the link of the repository given above and open the option of Version Control.Then you can paste the link of repository and open it from ‘Existing Android Studio Projects’ option.The code will open and then you can run it on a virtual emulator created by you or on your phone itself.


  1. Click on the app icon to open the app first.
  2. Once the app is open , you will see home page of app with app name on the appbar.
  3. On the home page you will see all the committee logos as buttons.User has to press respective committee button to explore the committee completely.
  4. Once you have clicked the button you will get on another screen which has ABOUT , SOCIAL , COMMITTEE MEMBERS , where each button describe its specific role based on the name.
  5. Like ‘ABOUT’ button will tell in brief about the committee , SOCIAL button will head the user to instagram link of that particular committee , where he/she can explore gallery insight of the committee , COMMITTEE MEMBER button will provide all the information about the core members of the committee , e.g secretaries , treasurer , etc.


Freshers , when enter in VJTI , get confused as to which committe to choose among the different committees.They are not able to decide which committees to join.So this app will help all those students by giving all the informaton about all the committees at one place so that they can choose and become a part of the committee they choose.This app is very helpful for all first year student from young diploma students to the elder students of PHD and also to those people who want to explore VJTI college completely by knowing about its various fests and committees.In future version it could be possible thay this app may be used to form chat groups instead of Whatsapp.

Future scope

In the next version of this app , we are going to add some features to this app with the help of which it will be easy for committees to assign department coordinators , event coordinators , and various other posts to all the new members who are willing to become a part of committees as well as the seniors who have been elected for their new posts.The joining process of various committees will also be explained in future versions of the app .This feature will solve the problem of sending resumes by applicants to the committee as well as for the committee to schedule interviews and declare the results. Another feature that is decided is that we are creating a platform where members of different committees can post and share pictures and videos and can also sort of chat.


Home Page Committee Page About Page Social Page Committee Members Page